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6-Week Healthy Habits Small Group Workshop June/July
Lifestyle Change That Lasts: The Workbook for Your Journey
Here is the eBook
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Bonus Material
Understanding Food and Inflammation: A Video Lesson for Autoimmune Patients (61:20)
Spotlight on Hidden Sugar eBook
SMART Goal Setting
Symptom Trigger Tracker Download
Link to Article about 16 Week Walking Program for Reducing Sjogren's Fatigue
Stress and Autoimmunity Video (22:43)
Guided 4-6-8 Breathing Video (1:35)
Relax at the Beach (0:59)
Week 1: What does it take to start and maintain a healthy habit?
Week 2: The Mental Tools
Review of week 1 progress
The Mental Tools
Benefits of the healthy habit: while you're doing it
Benefits of the healthy habit: after you've done it
Revisit and Refine Goals
Week 2 Q&A from the book to download and print
Link for Week 2 Meeting
The week 2 video is up! (69:29)
Week 3: Progress-Blocking Thoughts
The most common progress-blocking thoughts and how to overcome them
Review of week 2 progress
Set week 3 goals
Here is the link for week 3 meeting
Week 3 Video is up! (47:27)
Week 4: The Behavioral Tools
Review of week 3 progress
The Behavioral Tools
Set week 4 goals
Week 4 Video is up! (53:06)
Week 5: Slips vs. Relapses
Review of week 4 progress
Slips vs. relapse
Relapse prevention planning
Set week 5 goals
Week 5 Video is Up! (73:15)
Week 6: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Review week 5 goals
Problem solving
What's next?
Membership - Keep up the good work with continued support!
Refer a Friend!
Week 6 Video is up! (35:55)
Teach online with
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